Air Peace’s maiden flight to London slated for March 30, 2024, is already fully booked by Nigerians who have since sought cheaper tickets to London.

The airline had pegged its Economy Class ticket at N1.2 million, thereby slashing fares on the route.

According to the airline, a return Economy Class ticket goes for N1.2 million while a return Business Class ticket sells for N4 million, and Nigerians studying in the UK can access a special 15 percent rebate.

Air Peace is not going to be faced with foreign exchange challenges because the fares will be in naira. It is a welcome idea for travel agents and Nigeria as a whole. 

Nigerians have appealed to Air Peace to try its best to sustain the London route. They have said they will give them all the support to ensure this is successful. With Air Peace, travel agents envisage a 50 percent fare reduction.”