Contrary to the story making waves on social media that the late Herbert Wigwe's father slumped at the son's funeral and was rushed to the hospital, Top Media and PR Consultant, Mr Kayode Akintemi says that is Not the case. 

According to Mr Akintemi, who is a family friend of the Wigwes, told Rose Peter Graham of, in a Chat:

"Daddy has been strong and shown how deep his faith in God is."

"That is a picture of me and Daddy today, this afternoon,"

"Daddy has not been ill or sick for one day since Herbert passed away,I know because I see him regularly."

"When people come to commiserate with him, he is preaching to them and expressing thanks to God because in all things, give thanks is what the Bible says"

Tony Ogbuagu was not in Daddy Wigwe’s house in Isiokpo, which is outside PH

Mr Akintemi concluded and reiterated after sharing a photo he took with Wigwe's father earlier today.  ...

"That is Daddy Wigwe this afternoon, I have seen him and Mummy Wigwe every other day since Herbert, Chizoba, and Chizi died. I am in PH, and I was with Daddy immediately after service. There was no time he collapsed, slumped, or even took ill."