Anambra State Governor, Professor Chukwuma Charles Soludo, CFR, has conveyed his warm felicitations to His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, on the joyous occasion of his 72nd birthday. 

Governor Soludo in his congratulatory message described President Tinubu as a frontline statesman in Nigerian politics, renowned for his resolute commitment to democracy, fearless leadership, and unyielding patriotism. 

His decades-long dedication to public service from Lagos State to the federal level, as well as his dogged fight for democracy has left an indelible mark on the political landscape of our nation. 

The governor goes further to laud President Tinubu’s remarkable journey, marked by his visionary leadership, which has inspired hope and instilled confidence in the hearts of millions of Nigerians 

Governor Soludo noted that his steadfast resolve and strategic foresight have been instrumental in shaping Nigeria’s socio-political trajectory, steering us towards a path of progress and future prosperity even in the midst of tough challenges. 

In acknowledging President Tinubu’s transformative policies and initiatives, Governor Soludo recognises his profound understanding of the challenges facing our nation and his steadfast determination to overcome them. 

With his astute leadership, Nigeria has the potential to ascend to greater heights, provided we rally together in support of his visionary agenda. 

Therefore, on this auspicious occasion, Governor Soludo on behalf of the Government and good people of Anambra State joins millions of Nigerians from all walks of life in extending best wishes to President Tinubu on the occasion of his 72nd birthday 

The Governor prayed for many more years of robust health, uncommon wisdom, unparalleled success, and enduring happiness while wishing also that his leadership continues to guide our nation towards a future filled with promises and opportunities. 


Christian Aburime   

Press Secretary to the Governor

March 29, 2024